Take a look at a few online marketing and web design strategies, as laid out by Forbes:
Improve Click-Through Rates
Websites like Schema.org allow marketers to improve the click-through rate of listings by using a set of code that helps search engines better understand and display the content of each webpage. This is especially helpful for displaying ratings, offers, prices, etc.
Google Authorship
Google Authorship allows ecommerce companies and authors to link blog content to specific Google profiles. This helps to establish a brand or company as an expert in a certain field, establishing not only credibility, but also recognition. Google Authorship also helps to improve click-through rates and search engine ranking.
Responsive Design
Responsive design is an emerging web design trend that enables a website for optimal viewing across various platforms (mobile phones, tablets, laptop computers). This is a good way for ecommerce companies to increase conversions among the growing number of mobile phone and tablet users.
Content Marketing
Content marketing allows companies to connect with consumers by creating and sharing interesting information relative to an industry. Doing so helps create brand awareness, lead generation and customer loyalty. Publishing content regularly to a blog also serves as a valuable tool for search engine optimization.
Site Performance
Load times have become an important element of success for ecommerce websites. According to the article, for every 100ms of load time, there was a 1% decrease in Amazon sales. Load times not only help convert customers quickly, but slower load times have actually been shown to negatively impact search engine rankings.
Read the Article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2013/03/14/ecommerce-marketing-checklist-for-2013/
by Samantha Warner
Marketing Extraordinaire