If you haven’t already solidified your marketing plan for 2015, or even if you’re looking to tweak an already established plan, be sure these top 5 strategies are included.
1. Facebook Lookalike Audience
A Facebook Lookalike Audience is one that is similar to your current audience. These individuals
may be interested in your business, as they have similar concerns to your core audience. This is
audience targeting at it’s finest. Learn more about how it works.
2. Email Marketing
Email marketing continues to be the best ROI for your marketing dollar. In addition to creating compelling, consistent messaging, take a look at automating sales follow-up or lost-sale emails with time delays. Mailchimp is our favorite email marketing tool with cutting edge automation features and they do great research on what works and what doesn’t. Read more about “Perfecting Our Own Automation Recipes”.
3. Get Started On Instagram
If you’re going after a younger audience, consider creating an Instagram account. With over 200 million users, it’s a platform worth checking out. Be sure to look at how to promote your content, especially when just starting out. Learn more about Instagram Advertising.
4. Better Blogging
For years blogging was more about the SEO value than the value of the actual content you created. Quantity was better than quality. With the recent Google changes, the need to focus on creating quality content and sharing on social media is more important than ever. So keep blogging. But instead of creating lots of meaningless content stuffed with keywords, focus on creating meaningful posts that users feel compelled to share.
5. Compelling Graphics
Eye-catching images can help to improve your message and grab your audience’s attention. If you have a graphic artist on staff, have them create attention getting images for your scheduled social media calendar. If you don’t have a graphic artist available you can use stock photography and images from a web service. Companies like iStockPhoto now offer affordable monthly subscriptions to a huge database of quality photos.
These strategies represent the 5 we felt were the most innovative or impactful. However, there are many tried-and-true methods that marketers should always include in their marketing arsenal. For more, check out the article “15 Step Guideline To Create Your Perfect 2015 Digital Marketing Strategy”. In it, each detailed step gives you great information to help assemble your 2015 Digital Marketing Plan.